Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Field Day for the Homeschooled

Can childhood be complete without a day in the sun with friends, juice boxes, and a tug of war? Sure, but we found out that even the homeschoolers in our area were attempting a Field Day this year, so we joined in too. We all got together and had sack races, three-legged races, long jumps and of course a big Tug-of-War finale. The 1st attempt was hilarious, boys vs. girls, and the rope (sheets) broke right down the center and all kids went down!! Sydney was even participating in that one and thought she had won somehow LOL. We of course had a do-over, and girls won, even though they had the disadvantage of pulling uphill! I awarded Nic with his very own Field Day medal at the days end and he thought that was pretty cool :)

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