Friday, December 31, 2010

A New Year, a New Opportunity

It's that time of year again. The time when we pass the bubbly and talk about how we want to improve in the New Year. Honestly, I don't feel a "change" besides having to take down the schoolroom calendar inserts. It will probably take me until mid-March to remember what year it is. I still have a long way to go with last years resolutions for crying out loud!But I am still trying. I would say that I am focusing on my family, our education (self included, one can always learn something new), and showing humanity.

This last one is heavy on my mind and heart right now. I recently read an article that made me really very sad. An article which was mostly composed of reader views about Atheists, calling us a hate group and other foul things. It just made me hurt deep down. I don't understand how any group of people could make such judgments about others and come off so completely wrong. I found this clever parenting article today and it made me laugh. Yes, all groups are judged and even by others within the group. Motherhood certainly throws us in the world of judgement from the moment one begins to show. So is life.

I realize that I set myself and my family on a (mostly) unique path - secular homeschoolers in the deep south. Yeah, that's us. I am happy where we are and in the New year we will forge ahead living the best life that we can, and hopefully that will rub off on those around us.



S said...

On the drive home tonight, I sobered up a little (boy am I a lightweight!) and I realized that I didn't want to be that person makes fun of the house down the street from you. It's a terrible thing and I wish I could blame the alcohol, but I guess the truth is we are more honest when we are less inhibited. I hope by this time next year, my more natural response to any unfortunate event is one of empathy and compassion.

Topsy said...

Great post and so very true. As a secular homeschooler also in the south, I'm about as judged as they come, but I forge ahead and make the most of the journey!

Kitchen cabinets said...

Great story.I love my family as you Christin.Hope this year brings prosperity for all of us.