Friday, August 21, 2009

If You Give a Mouse a Brussels Sprout

Getting my kids to try new foods is not so easy. Some times the whining begins before they even know WHAT it is that I have cooked. (I should mention that this goes mostly for the younger one.) Lucky for me, I think I may have found a loophole in the kids rule about saying no to new foods! Hoorah, score for mom! So as it turns out, if someone other than myself suggests the food...perhaps even a made up fictional character in a book, then somehow the idea of trying it goes from gross, no way, not even if you paid me to tasty, delicious, can't wait to try it.
And THIS is how I got my children to try potato soup.

We sat together in the living room and I read the story "The Cat who liked Potato Soup" by Terry Farish on one kind of chilly and definitely rainy day. I had come across the book while browsing the children's section of the library, the title grabbed my attention straight away. I flipped through it quickly, checked it out from the library, and made my shopping list later that night!

It continues to be a challenge for me to pull together lessons and activities than both Nicholas and Sydney enjoy, so finding something as simple as a short story and easy meals that the kids can help with is really great. I will be searching the shelves for more titles like this one...maybe there is hope yet that they might try some Brussels sprouts sometime in their childhood!

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